Preventing Falloch's Future Floods
After catastrophic rainfall which devastated the Glen Falloch area of Scotland, Falcon was inspired to protect his land from further degradation and began taking steps towards peat restoration, which helps to reduce the impact of severe weather events, like flooding. Peat has the ability to soak up the water and release it slowly, which prevents the water running continuously and out of control towards the land beneath the hills. Any water above the peat also prevents the release of carbon, which is essential in reducing our impact on climate change.

Contact Details
Peatlands, Flooding, Deer Stalker, Land Management, Flood Management, Climate Change, Peat, Glen Falloch, Falcon Frost, Climate Crisis, Sacha Dench, Round Britain Climate Challenge, COP26


Peatlands, Flooding, Deer Stalker, Land Management, Flood Management, Climate Change, Peat, Glen Falloch, Falcon Frost, Climate Crisis, Sacha Dench, Round Britain Climate Challenge, COP26
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